Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Snoring is associated with increased risk of hypertension as well as an increased risk of both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.TMJ Disorders
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), are a common subgroup or orofacial pain disorders, often incorrectly referred to as TMJ.TMD Treatment
After the diagnosis of TMD is established, contributing factors identified and you become familiar with your disorder, all reasonable options of therapy and treatment will be explained.Sleep Apnea & TMD Treatment in Troy, MI
Each patient’s treatment is tailored to their specific issues, with emphasis on the stressors that have lead to their symptoms.
Dr. Ghabi Kaspo

How to live a healthy lifestyle?
Dr. Ghabi Kaspo has been practicing dentistry, primarily in the field of Orofacial Pain Management and TMJ Disorders for the since 1993. His scholastic achievements include: a D.D.S. and a D. Orth. from Damascus university; a D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy; and a Certificate of training in TMJ and Orofacial Pain Management from University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He received a Certificate of Training in TMJ and Orofacial Pain Management after completing a one-year full time fellowship program. He also earned a diplomate for the American Board of Orofacial Pain. He is the former president of the Central Branch of the Detroit District Dental Society.
Facial Pain & Sleep Center
The Facial Pain & Sleep Center, PLC., exists to serve those patients who are suffering from temporomandibular related disorders and/or head, neck and facial pain. Facial Pain is a discipline of dentistry which includes the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with complex acute and chronic orofacial pain; temporomandibular disorders; orofacial pain; oromotor and jaw behavior disorders; chronic head, neck, and facial pain; as well as the pursuit of knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology and mechanisms of these disorders.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What happens at a sleep study consultation?
What happens at your sleep study depends on which type of sleep study you opt to undergo. Most of the time, you can choose between an at-home sleep test and a sleep study conducted in a sleep center.
If you choose an at-home study, you’ll be given the equipment and instructions on how to conduct the test. Then, you can simply go about your night as usual and sleep in your own bed. Once the test is complete, you’ll return the equipment for evaluation.
For a test in a sleep center, you’ll pack an overnight bag with pajamas, any health or personal care items you need, as well as anything to help you relax, such as a book or headphones. The staff at the sleep center will take care of conducting the test while you sleep in a safe, private room.
What can dentists do for TMJ?
A dentist like Dr. Kaspo can provide you with effective treatment in a variety of ways. He can create a custom oral appliance for you to relieve your pain as well as provide other methods for learning how to relax your jaw and improve your jaw health.
He’ll thoroughly examine your mouth, throat, and jaw to determine the issues you’re having and the correct solution for you.
How can I relax my jaw at night?
You can relax your jaw by correcting any jaw issues you may have. Dr. Kaspo can diagnose your jaw problem and find a solution that will ease your pain and allow you to speak, eat, and live your life without hesitation.
There are many ways we can help you, such as creating a custom mouthpiece that can help alleviate your pain and protect your teeth from harm at night. We can also develop a treatment plan that may involve relaxation exercises, pain medication, and other lifestyle changes.